28 August, 2010


I already put out an August mix which you can find a few posts back, so consider this one to be the awkward middle child until I put out a September edition. Being that it's awkward, I have affectionately titled this 50 minute piece, "OH" (to be effective you need to say the word in a very dry and monotone fashion to constitute judgement or lack of approval). The track selection is random yet effective and includes some odd moments, some bangers, some classics, and more. Enjoy.

About my mixes:
After posting my August mix some people asked why it has to be one long track instead of cutting it down to individual parts. That's a valid question but these are mixes not albums. I make them by recording myself while I DJ in real-time so the end result is one file of everything I have done for however long I choose to DJ. If you're new to DJ mixes and have a hard time following the whole thing in one sitting I recommend playing them while working out, partying, relaxing, going on a long drive, etc.

18 August, 2010

All moved in with training under way

It's back to school season again and my final year of college is about to begin. I moved into my house back at school yesterday and aside from general adjusting among a few other things, it's turning out pretty descent.  This is my first time living in a house on my own rather than a dorm or apartment so it's going to be a pretty different year in that regard. My room is the smallest one in the house but I am totally fine with that since my rent is cheaper than what I was paying for my lackluster apartment last year.

My room is in the basement and already my allergies are running rampent because of it. Hopefully it's just a result of moving in and kicking up dust but I wouldn't be surprised if there is mold in the walls... My bathroom/shower area is awkward down here because it shares the laundry room so I spent a few hours deep cleaning/bleaching it all. I have a few other things in mind to make it more comfortable but overall the house is really not bad at all and I actually have cable and internet in my room unlike in my apartment.

The reason I moved in this week is because I have internship training until Thursday, but classes don't start until next Monday. I talked about my internship a bit in this post if you want to take a look. Training began bright an early at 8am this morning with some general welcoming chats followed by the Fall 2010 Convocation presented by the President of SCSU and other staff. This was my first time attending Convocation, although it is open to everyone. It was actually really interesting to hear what has been and will be going on behind the scenes with SCSU.

After Convocation, we (the interns, graduate assistants, and CSOLD leadership) went over some more logistics and specifics of the department and ended the day with plenty of team building activities. For it being a 9 hour day with minimal sleep the night before and tons of ice breakers/team builders that I have played time and time again while working for parks and recreation and SCSU residential life, it was actually pretty fun. The other interns and the rest of the CSOLD team seem very nice and I see myself really enjoying this internship. One day of training down, two to go. I plan on posting various updates throughout the semester regarding my progress and experiences with this internship so stay tuned.

In other life news: Heading to my first Twins game at the new field on Friday night!

09 August, 2010

August Mixtape: Freaknik

I just finished fine tuning a mix I put together a few weeks ago and it's ready for download. It's a short one, only about 25 minutes, but it packs enough noise to freak out to/get freaky to/act like a freak to or just enjoy while having a picnic... thus, FREAKNIK. The tracks range from new and old so I hope you all enjoy, I had a lot of fun making it. You can stream and download below or use this link directly. Don't worry, it's a safe download so ignore any awkward ads on the site. Also, since it is a longer file, buffering may take a moment or two if you're trying to stream it first.

05 August, 2010

"Who To Follow": Will it lead Twitter down the same dark and failed path as Facebook?

I logged into Twitter a few minutes ago and noticed a new feature called "who to follow" and I found myself asking "why?!".  For those who don't know, I have been less and less interested in Facebook for quite some time and I have been debating deleting my account over the past few months. I am a huge believer that Twitter, when used correctly, can be an amazing tool for networking, learning, and finding a plethora of valuable information you may have otherwise overlooked. On the contrary, I think Facebook is a medium for college students (and now, people much younger and much older) to take part in social "networking" activities that don't hold much value at all. Yes, of course it is a great way to keep in contact with people, which is the reason I continue to keep my account, but a majority of the rest of Facebook just seems pointless to me ("Likeing" everything, fan groups for absolutely everything, status rants, having 500+ "friends") it's just too much.

Two specific things I have never liked about Facebook are the "people you may know" and "recommended pages" features. I have always thought it was a joke to have hundreds and hundreds of friends on a friends list when a fraction of them are actually valuable relationships.  To be recommended more people and things to add just because they are a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who likes the same thing as another friend who knows you is just annoying. If you don't know someone well enough or like them enough to add them in the first place then why add them at all? This brings me to my point with Twitter's new addition. It does the exact same thing as mentioned above. It pulls information from the people you already follow, checks into who else follows them and suggests you follow the third party because you might get along.  I don't know... maybe this posting makes no sense and has no people who agree. I just think it's an unnecessary feature.  Twitter has been fine from the start; simple, clean, easy to use, etc. The "find people" feature on Twitter worked and still works for looking up new people to follow, and it actually means you have to know a name to search for in the first place. I don't have an urge to follow these suggestions whether I recognize them or not. There's likely a reason why I haven't searched them out on my own. Long story short, I see what Twitter is trying to do but I hope they know what they are really doing. We don't need another Facebook. I welcome any thoughts anyone has, I am really interested to see where this takes the brand and who knows, maybe my opinion will change.

02 August, 2010

Memories of Paris