25 April, 2009

Digital Detox recap

Digital Detox Week ends tomorrow and as you can tell it was quite hard for me to accomplish. I did manage to cut down on the amount of time I waste on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, etc. etc. but to quit all together was impossible for me. I didn't notice anyone else taking part in this either so it looks to me that most people have accepted the takeover of digital interactions and no longer mind the lack of face to face contact as the dominant form of socializing. It is kind of sad that so many aspects of our lives are being replaced by the digital age/advancements in technology. I won't deny that I'm a big fan of technology and such and I clearly love everything that I was supposed to give up during Digital Detox Week but it's still kind of pathetic how these things can control us so much.

This campaign opened my eyes big time and even though it was hard to give everything up entirely, I was able to cut down on my habits drastically and I survived. I hope more people joined in on this because I think keeping these digital dependencies in check is a smart approach to getting back in the habit of real forms of interaction that don't revolve around Facebook "Bumper Stickers" or "Top 5 Applications" and updating your status or Twitter with random quotes or highly unnecessary statements that you otherwise wouldn't waste your breath announcing. Here's to next years Detox Week.

1 comment:

  1. I should participate in this next year. Or I should just do my own sometime haha.. Prob won't be on as much during the summer but..

    "..most people have accepted the takeover of digital interactions and no longer mind the lack of face to face contact as the dominant form of socializing" is SO true, and it IS sad! :( I definitely prefer face-to-face socializing & def. feel some days like I'm totally wasting life by lingering on facebook & etc.

    Do you even remember what we used to do in this free time before these digital dependencies?? BAH!
