22 June, 2009

Brain picking

I am considering getting a tattoo, I'm not sure when but I have wanted one for awhile now and for the past few months I have been pretty much set on getting a simple cross on the inside of my forearm, something that looks like this but higher up and without a matching friend. I feel like it would be pretty inexpensive, tasteful, and somewhat original compared to the over the top elaborate cross tattoos I see so much of. I guess the only thing making me wait on it is the fact that I don't really have a need for it or a cool story to back it up. I'm not very religious either so it wouldn't be much of a God thing of sorts. I am an uber fan of Justice who's logo happens to be the Christian cross although they claim there is no affiliation between their music and the faith. They use the cross as an icon for interpretation, "everyone can read it as they wish and make their own meaning of it", I like that. I think that plays a lot into why I want to get this simple tattoo but at the same time I don't want it to strictly be a "band tattoo", but then again I guess that wouldn't be so bad. I have a feeling it might get done while I am over in England...

I really hate when people say that they want to see you/hang out with you and don't follow through. I hate it more when I look forward to it and plan my day or time around whatever plans me and the person made and then the plans never happen. It's understandable that "things come up" and plans can change but what I'm talking about is people bailing just "cuz" and not for any valuable reason. This is the type of thing you can lose "friend points" over in my book. I won't hold a grudge but it's a pet peeve nonetheless. If you know that you don't want to do something don't say you want to, it's simple :)

Another thing I hate is the "bro" image aka guys who wear Ed Hardy and Affliction among other overly priced brands and act like they are hot shit because their t-shirt set them back $200 and their jeans are so "premium". These clothing lines are somewhat respectable on their own, I'll admit I have seen some nice Ed Hardy tees. For the most part however, the common consumer of such clothing can be summed up as attention hungry, insecure tools and/or "scene girls" trying too hard to be appreciated. I don't know what it is about the apparel but i see so many of it's wearers overly induced with high levels of testosterone and inflated egos, it's disgusting, please grow up. My opinion isn't uncommon either, a lot of my friends feel the same way but if you want a more blunt point of view read this. (Disclaimer: Apologies to the few friends of mine who purchase these products, you know who you are, you are not the definition of what I explained above haha, I am not friends with tools)

There are also things I love... more on that later


  1. haha, "and not with a matching friend." made me laugh. that tattoo sounds pretty sweet, I totally agree w/ not getting one unless it really means something significant or has a story behind it, but it sounds like you've already got some pretty good reasons why you chose what you did.

    I also hate when ppl don't follow thru, but I hate it more always being the one making the plans & if u don't initiate hanging out w/ some ppl then you'll never see them again.

    I feel like you have some pretty nice clothes, but nothing that screams tool/desperate for attention or anything too showy.. I'm pretty cheap so I get a lot of my clothes from thrift shops or walmart/target haha whatevs tho, I like having a wardrobe a bit more unique than other ppl's
