02 June, 2009

What does working do for you?

I was at work today and it was another day in "paradise". I got in trouble for bringing Taco Bell into the back room and eating it before I started my shift. As a result, my store manager felt it necessary to call my supervisor and I up to his office for a chat. What ensued was a rant against my work ethic and a threat of termination. The store manager held his thumb and pointer finger up in the air at roughly half an inch apart and informed me that he was that close to letting me go. All over some Taco Bell? This sort of thing is far from new for me. I am reprimanded quite a bit by my store manager for tedious things like this. Just the other day I was scolded for wearing my name badge under my apron. Not long after that I was called out for wearing my radio without the earpiece in my ear... the list goes on. I understand rules and I understand work ethic. I have been working for this company for five years now, the past two of which have involved this new store manager. Since his arrival a lot has changed and no matter how hard I try to adapt I am constantly treated like a child. Today's events really got to me and I started contemplating a lot of different things, some work related, some not.

I started thinking about my time at Cub Foods and work in general. Specifically, I was thinking about how much stress I have let such an easy job bring upon me. I try to be a pretty calm and collected individual as much as possible but I just have a really hard time tolerating people that put me through things like I mentioned above, especially when I am a hard working and responsible employee. I wouldn't go as far to say that I have a problem with my superiors and company policies but what I do have a problem with is how my superiors handle these issues. Life is too short to be looking down on people and throwing around threats. At the end of the day there a far worse things that I could be doing on the job or to the company I work for. Anyway... I don't know what I am even trying to accomplish with this post. I guess I just needed to vent about it somewhat constructively rather than verbally having a fit or trying to discuss it face to face with someone who wouldn't understand. I will just continue to be a mindless drone in the eyes of my store manager and take the hits for the money. There's not much else out there for other options right now so I will just have to work extra hard to keep my cool.


  1. what a fucking joke! im going through the same thing... i keep reminding myself that their life sucks i mean they (in my case) work at a movie theater at the age of 27! that must suck! im going to quit soon, im treated like you mentioned... a child! we'll see what the future brings...

  2. hah, i'm not even treated that crappy, but i still quit my job cause i was so unhappy with it. sometimes not even the money is worth it... good luck tho & billy is right their life prob just sux so they take it out on you!
